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Blog de la 2nde B
5 mai 2006

Thematic selection on Educasources on the "abolition of slavery"

This Page on "Educasources" contains many great links to sites and projects on "The abolition of Slavery": Some might be useful.
5 mai 2006

Books about slavery

In french we study three books which names are L'île aux esclaves by Marivaux, Le Mariage de Figaro and Le Barbier de Séville by Beaumarchais. These books are about slavery and there are very interestings and very comics because the slaves take their...
2 mai 2006

Runnaway slaves

Web-based Treasure Hunt Choisissez l'une des deux activités proposées ci-dessous, et complétez la feuille de route. Vous utiliserez ensuite ce document pour présenter oralement votre travail du jour. (présentation devant la classe et enregistrée au format...
2 mai 2006

Abolition of slavery

Denmark was the first European country to abolish the slave trade in 1792, followed by France (decree of the Agreement in 1794, but never applied), by Great Britain in 1807 and by the United States in 1808. At the congress of Vienna in 1814, Great Britain...
2 mai 2006

definition of slavery

Slavery consist to deprive somebody of his rights and to reduce him at the statute of a personal property that we can buy and sell (the people imprisoned in the name of the law to have made itself guilty of a crime or an offence do not enter this definition...
2 mai 2006


Hello, my name is Audrey. Let me introduce you the Habitation Ceron. She is made up of : _ the ponds : used as fish ponds and as a source of water for the “gragerie” and the vinegrar factory; _ the mill : three rollers (cylinders of wood or,later, of...
1 mai 2006

The island of Martinique.

The island of Martinique is a island of the West-indies. It was discovered by Christipher Colombus in the fifteenth century. It was colonized in 1635, a centenary after its discovery.The condition of life of the slaves are reguled by "The Black Code"....
1 mai 2006

Slaves' work in Martinique

Slaves' work in Martinique
Source: Antilles d'Antan d'Anne et Hervé CHOPIN, HC Éditions. Pictures extracted from: ;
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